The Glass Menagerie

The Glass Menagerie

75 years ago, a little play previously known as The Gentleman Caller stole the heart of Broadway, became one of theatre’s most beloved classics, and kickstarted the evolution of an unknown playwright into a titan of 20th century drama. Pangdemonium is privileged to breathe fresh life into Tennessee Williams’ breathtakingly beautiful The Glass Menagerie and make it steal your hearts too.

Williams’ semi-autobiographical memory play looks at a fractured family through the prism of memory, and through the eponymous glass menagerie.

Tom Wingfield works in a factory but dreams of being a writer, free from the shackles of familial and financial responsibility. His sister Laura has grown into adulthood mentally fragile and cripplingly shy, isolated from the real world and seeking solace among her precious collection of glass figurines. And then there is their mother Amanda, a fearsome force of nature, barely hiding the fact that she is faded flower from a bygone era, yearning for a better life for them all.

Although he longs to break free from his domineering mother and stifling home life, Tom feels compelled to stay because of his profound loyalty to his sister.

Then possible salvation comes in the form of a dinner party they host for Jim, their Gentleman Caller, who symbolizes the promise of love for Laura, social and financial respectability for Amanda, and freedom for Tom.

Like the glass menagerie that represents their delicate world, his entry into their lives may cast a magical spell over their cloistered existence, or it could spell the shattering of all their dreams.

The Glass Menagerie

11 - 27 March 2022
Victoria Theatre

Victoria Theatre

11 - 27 March 2022

IMDA Rating

Strobe lighting will be used for this performance.


Directed by
Tracie Pang

Written by
Tennessee Williams

Catherine Grace Gardner
Jamil Schulze
Inch Chua
Salif Hardie

+65 6241 9131

9 Changi South Street 3,
#04-01, Singapore 486361

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